5 Tips to Prepare Your Finances for the Home Buying Process
The fall season is here, and typically this time of year is when people start to look into their home buying options. Some buyers may already be looking at homes, and may already be making plans for their future humble abode. One thing each buyer must realize though, is that there's more to purchasing a home at the Lake of the Ozarks than finding a house you love and signing on the dotted line. In fact, there are several things you can do to plan ahead to ensure you're financially prepared to buy. Check out these 5 tips to prepare your finances for the home buying process: 1. Evaluate Your Budget You should develop a written budget with your income and expenses and write down your debts and your assets. Think about what you spend now on housing costs and what you would be comfortable spending monthly on your next place. Estimate your available funds for a deposit, a down payment and closing costs and identify sources for funds. 2. Check Your Credit You are entitled ...