Need-To-Know Loan Application Information

The home loan process can seem overwhelming if it's your first time and you're hearing everything second-hand, maybe from someone who had a bad experience with a mortgage lender. Here at our mortgage company at the Lake of the Ozarks , we want everything to be seamless, easy, and stress-free for you. This is why we give you the information you need upfront so that there's no confusion. Keep reading this week's blog for a list of information that you will need to present for your application. We keep all your sensitive information private, whether it's given to us directly in person or over our website. If you end up having any questions about what you're about to read, please give us a call at MHQ - Mortgage Headquarters . What information will be needed for the application (and how it's kept private) Anything you submit over our website is 100 percent, fully secure. And we never, ever share it with anyone except by permission -- that is, if you'r...