April Events to Check Out Around the Lake
Are you thinking of moving to the Lake of the Ozarks ? If so, GREAT choice! This is definitely a family-friendly spot. All year round, there are always plenty of things to do, both indoors and outdoors. After the long winter we've been experiencing, we are so ready to get out and enjoy some local events around the Lake! Take a look at some of the many fun events happening this April around the Lake of the Ozarks. Jacob’s Cave Spring Swapping Days: April 1 st -3 rd from 7 AM – 10 PM Missouri’s largest swap meet features antiques, goods, livestock, and a variety of other new and used products. Jacobs Cave is located on North Highway 5 on State Road TT, positioned between Gravois Mills and Versailles. Call for inquires at 573-378-4374 or email at jacobscave@mail.com Palm Sunday Art Show: April 3 rd - April 10 th from 9 AM - 2 PM The Lake Ozarks Arts Council is holding its 43 rd Annual Palm Sunday Art Show! This will be hel...