Helpful Ways To Improve Your Credit So That You Have Your BEST Chance At Getting a Lower Rate

If you are considering applying for a mortgage loan at the Lake of the Ozarks at some point, it's best that you have the greatest credit score you possibly can before applying. Yes, mortgage lenders look at this and it can affect your rate significantly. You may be wondering, but how do I improve my credit score? What actions can I actually take to get my score higher? That's what our mortgage company at the Lake of the Ozarks is about to go over in this week's blog. If you ever have any questions about this, please give us a call. MHQ - Mortgage Headquarters can be reached at (573) 302-9990.

Tips on Improving Your Credit

Make your payments on time!
If it is just a matter of forgetting to make your payments, set a reminder on your phone, mark your paper calendar, do whatever you have to do to remember. This action alone can help improve your credit score and show your mortgage company that you know how to make payments on time, which can make you a better candidate for getting a better rate on your mortgage.

If your debt is becoming overwhelming, consider consolidating it.
This could EVENTUALLY result in a better credit score, but you will need to continue to make your payments on time. The goal here is to get your debt into one basket so that you have an easier time paying it off, which could result in a better credit score over time.

Pay great attention to your credit report.
Mistakes can be made, so if you notice an error on your report, dispute it. Contact your credit card company and make sure this gets resolved because things like this CAN affect your score.

Try to avoid opening up too many credit cards.
Even if you aren't using some of the credit cards you have, this can still hurt your score. Your lender may question why you have so many.

Improving your credit may not always be the easiest thing to do, especially when times are hard financially, but it CAN be done. In addition to getting your credit score at its best, a lot can be involved when applying for a mortgage. MHQ - Mortgage Headquarters is here for you! We can walk you through all the steps and make sure you are prepared one hundred percent of the way. We will answer any questions you may have, so don't be afraid to ask. We've likely already heard it before and we just want to make sure you have all of the information you need so that you are properly prepared for this process. Give us a call on our office line listed below. You can also follow us on our social media channels listed below to stay up to date on our latest announcements.

Mortgage Headquarters of Missouri, Inc
4824 Osage Beach Parkway, Suite 1
Osage Beach, MO 65065

Office: (573) 302-9990
Toll Free: (888)799-1206
Fax: (636)648-9917

NMLS # 1229111

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