
Showing posts from December, 2021
COOKIES FOR SANTA The holiday season is upon us, and we can practically smell the aroma of fresh-baked cookies in the air. Beyond being a delicious holiday treat, Christmas cookies are part of many family traditions, and have a long standing history. MHQ Mortgage Headquarters, leading lender at the Lake of the Ozarks , understands how cookies bring a family together and a since of home in every bite. Let’s take a stroll down the history of Christmas cookies. COOKIE DECORATING Icing or frosting, is there really a difference? Icing started in the 1600s with a mixture of sugar and egg whites that topped a cake once cooled, it looked just like ice. Where it got its name of icing. In recent times, the rich & creamy buttercream has become popular with its delicious taste and thicker texture for decorating. If you dare, you can tackle fondant to give your Christmas cookies a little something extra. And with so many food coloring variations to choose from today, your options are endless.
CLIMBING THE DOCUMENATION MOUNTAIN Does the idea of gathering all the information you need to apply for a loan seem like a big mountain to climb? Not to worry! MHQ Mortgage Headquarter at Lake of the Ozarks is here to help make it seamless and smooth. The loan process does require documentation that can seem endless and ongoing, but it is needed to present yourself the best in getting a FINAL loan approval and your dream home. The knowledgeable professionals at MHQ Mortgage have been in the industry and with their expertise will make buying a home fun and exciting. To make it easier for you and the ability to go at your own pace, MHQ Mortgage Headquarters has put together a standard checklist of items that are needed for a home loan. This list is not all encompassing, and each person is unique with their situation, but it will give you a guideline to follow to get the process started. Loan Application Checklist Property Information (if you already have a contract on a house) P
TO REFINANCE OR NOT?? Maybe you have been wondering if refinancing your current home loan is a good decision or even possible. With the interest rates still at an all-time low, refinancing your current loan(s) may be an option for you. Talking with experts in the mortgage field and around the Lake of the Ozarks , is always the best first step in the refinance process. And MHQ Mortgage Headquarters is here to help guide and advise you in the best interest of you, your family and lifestyle. The huge number of refinance options available to borrowers is truly breathtaking. We can guide you to select the refinance program that can fit your financial situation the best. Contact us at (573) 302-9990 to get started. What are your reasons for your refinance loan? Keeping in mind the information below will help you begin your decision process.   Reducing Your Monthly Payments Are your refinance goals to lower your rate and consequently your mortgage payments? In that case, your best choice mig
MORTGAGE CALULATORS AT YOUR SERVICE So many choices when you search “mortgage calculators”, how do you know which is the best to use? Are they all the same? Which one is right for me? MHQ Mortgage Headquarters Mortgage Calculators has you completely covered with every type of calculator you could possibly need when thinking about mortgages or home buying. Understanding what each mortgage calculator computes for you is also imperative in the mortgage industry. Numbers do not lie, but they are also only as good as the information you put into them. And ensuring you click on the correct calculator for your needs to generate the best possible solution for your personal question. Let’s take a look at each one and how it could possibly help you. Rates and Payments Research Monthly Payment - Calculate your payment and amortization schedule. Compare Terms - Compare multiple terms for a given principal and rate. For example, see the difference between a 15 year and a 30 year mortgage. Co